Olliolli2 performance issues
Olliolli2 performance issues


Notice yellow traffic cone, flick joystick to leap over.

olliolli2 performance issues

See blue ledge, queue command for manual. Instead, Roll7's latest take on skateboarding is a contest of muscle memory and object recognition. There's simply no time for strategizing when the screen is scrolling this fast. If a thumb slips, or a finger stalls, then it's time to hit Triangle, let loose an exasperated sigh/swear, and try "once again, from the top." Unlike in actual skateboarding, success in OlliOlli 2 won't come from studying the path in front of you and plotting a winning course. That punishment painfully repeats, any time that your hands betray your training. If your eyes stop to blink, or your brain begins to think, then your nameless skater is bound to become a broken, bloody mess, littering the bottom of the screen, with his gray sneakers hanging over his head like a scorpion's tail. That's enough speed and intricacy to make even Yngwie Malmsteen jealous. In the minute (or less) that it takes to finish a typical OlliOlli 2 track, your controller will have registered around 100 to 200 button presses, with only a split-second elapsing between each input. I'm talking about a rapid-fire eruption of notes, like you'd hear from Eddie Van Halen or DragonForce. And I don't mean one of those sappy Creed or Godsmack solos, where the guitarist slowly bends a handful of sustained notes with his wah pedal or his whammy bar.


Stomping out a clean, mistake-free run stimulates your brain cells, and injects a feeling of triumph into your bloodstream, similar to nailing a series of challenging guitar licks in a single take. Players with enough patience and persistence to endure OlliOlli 2's grueling growing pains will - with practice - stop smashing their pixelized face against the pavement, and start discovering what makes this series so rewarding and addicting.

olliolli2 performance issues

Misjudging the final jump in a hundred-move combo can drop your total by several million points, just as clumsy fingering might make an impressive sequence of sweep-picking and two-handed tapping sound like unrecognizable slop. But as in the first OlliOlli, pixel-perfect timing is still the most valuable skill for scoring big. The sequel's expanded skating mechanics allow for more creativity and flexibility in how gamers achieve the seven-digit sums that are required to complete all 50 Career mode courses.


I guess the tl dr of the question is, just how welcoming or punishing is this for someone with no real experience? How much of a "git gud" expectation is placed on the player?New techniques like grind switches, reverts, and manuals have significantly altered how OlliOlli 2 must be played, if users still want to make chart-topping music from the familiar "Tricktionary" of flips, spins, and slides.

olliolli2 performance issues olliolli2 performance issues

I've seen reviews mention that this is the most accessible OlliOlli has been, but since that's just speaking in relative terms I'm wondering, just how daunting is the technical execution aspect of this once the game starts to get into the later stages? I'm not looking to crush leaderboards or anything, but I haven't really delved into any trick-scoring games since the days of SSX Tricky/3 and some time with the GBA version of THPS2 way back in the day and I'm not in much of a mood to feel like a failure if the game's expecting a constant pretzel sea of precise inputs. Stylistically this game looks pretty neat and I'm interested in it, but I've never played an OlliOlli before and some of what I've seen about ramping up trick complexities and what you're doing between manipulating both sticks for tricks while also hitting landings and such has me a bit concerned that the game might end up asking too much of my old man brain and old man hands for me to get more fun than frustration out of it.

Olliolli2 performance issues